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Cemetery update
The Museum, Friends of the Fowler Cemetery, and the Town of Fowler Cemetery Committees worked together on a project at the Fowler Cemetery, honoring an All-Military Veterans Memorial.
In the latter part of 2022 summer, a pavilion was erected at the cemetery and funded by the Town of Fowler Cemetery Committee for funerals, memorials, and other funeral events.
In phase 2: We secured a grant from the Bob and Doris Johnston Foundation for a large granite memorial stone, honoring the six military branches. The Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, Navy and Space Force.
Phase 3: A kiosk informational Blackboard with gold inscriptions of 527 veterans who are buried in the Fowler Cemetery, along with those KIA buried at sea or other locations.
The American flag was relocated and replaced with a larger one. The Six Military flags fly in front.
We're happy to say that we've come a long way in reaching our goal but are not there yet and we are asking for your help by donating to the Friends of the Fowler Cemetery memo kiosk.
All proceeds will go towards the Cemetery Beautification Fund, (trees, benches, landscaping, etc.). We've allocated room for future Kiosk boards to honor future veterans' when the time comes.
Thank you to those that served.

Throughout the years and in 2023 flags will continue to fly over more than 500 veterans' graves at the cemetery. Flags were donated this year by retired Col. Joe Rose of Overbrook, KS. a Fowler High alumnus, Class of 1968,
In the memorial park, veterans will be honored with six flags flying from each Military Branch. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, and Space Force in a way to Thank all veterans that served
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